Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

give me proxy names and stuff please!!!!!!!!

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

here are a few bypasses,,

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

use a proxy

get PhProxy in Basic as a plug in

it will list hundreds of proxy servers go get to myspace from school

How can u unblock myspace at school...?


How can u unblock myspace at school...?

Or you could just wait a few hours and go to myspace after school.

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

You can't unblock them from your school server. Only the administrator can do that. If you try to unblock it and success full on doing so, you could get expelled or you will not be allowed to use the school computer anymore.

Also, if you are successful on unblocking it, you could go to jail, because by the new law that was passed by congress any one who tampers with computers that is supplied by local, state or federal government can be or will be prosecuted.

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

u will get in trouble if not expelled if you try to (hack) your schools computer

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

Circumventing Internet access control systems with web proxies to access unauthorized web sites is a violation of school computer usage policy. You will get suspended and/or banned from using school computers when you get caught. Use school computers for school work, and myspace t can wait until you get home. Do you really want your teachers and school administrators knowing what you are posting on myspace anyways?

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

Here you go:

Fast and reliable :)

How can u unblock myspace at school...?

the url is https - not http, this is to make sure it is not blocked by the firewall blocking you from other sites, as most filtering programs do not block https connections

tell your friends about the site as well :)

How can u unblock myspace at school...?


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