Getting around school filtering systems is a violation of school computer usage policy. You can get suspended and/or banned from using school computers. Use the school computers for school computers, and your personal e-mail, IM'ing and myspace will be there waiting for you when you get home.
How do you unblock on a school computer?
You dont.
Do your school work. Worry about Myspace when you get home and have your homework and have helped your parents out with cleaning up the house.
WTF do you think my tax money is paying for to send you to school? To sit around on myspace?
How do you unblock on a school computer?
you cant but u can go to to get on it
How do you unblock on a school computer?
If it is blocked and you access it (even through a proxy site) you will probably get suspended or expelled because you violated the Internet Usage Agreement you agreed to before you even began using the Internet there. I highly suggest just waiting until you get home to get on MySpace, you really don't need to get on at school anyway.
How do you unblock on a school computer?
the easiest way is to use google as a proxy because most schools dont block google. also know that you are responsible for the consequences of doing this.
How do you unblock on a school computer?
Write a letter to the principal on what information you were not able to get to complete your school work because you were blocked from MySpace. He/she will see the error of their ways and allow MySpace.
Good Luck
How do you unblock on a school computer?
What is it about my space is it the land of Oz for you Teenagers?
are you off to see the Wizard or something?!
No it's blocked for to keep you safe and to protect their computers
from trojans.
How do you unblock on a school computer?
i use
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